Monday, July 26, 2010

More plants and Captain Plymouth!

I bought this Captain James Plymouth statue from Lemax to go in the garden since it will be going into my sea village someday. He is just so big though! I'm going to leave him there for a few days to see if he will grow on me! LOL

 A new flower made with silicone. I just put a dab of silicone on a plastic wrap covered plate. I stuck these very sharp leaves into the silicone so they would be offset rather the clumped together.

 Here are a few it took about 20 minutes to make.

And done! I do need to cover up the silicone on the bottom of each plant but a little glue and some static grass~~ no problem!

Trying different leaves I made these too but they didn't turn out very well. I used floral wire to tie them together at the bottom but it made each plants leaves bunch up really bad so they look squished. I'm going to redo them using the silicone method and see how they look then.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea! And much easier too it seems. Everything is looking fabulous!
